Hello Luther Home families and friends,
We are proud to announce that the “Luther Home Cinema” is up and running at the Front Reception area of Luther Home. Movies start at 9:45am and 1:30 daily, the fireplace is on making it a cozy place to watch all the great upcoming Hallmark Specials! And other fun ones too! We take Resident requests as well as Staff suggestions, if you have a movie that was a family favourite please let me know and we will add it to our list!
November 4th, 2020
A Star cowboy in a traveling rodeo gets thrown off course when he falls in love with the daughter of a tough-minded town councilman. The Movie is Heartfelt and Romantic.
Arlene Funk requested a movie with Horses and Handsome Cowboys, she was joined by Ida Mayer, Sandra Marek and Niynie Bender who all enjoyed it very much!
Favorite part:
Ida: I loved it all
Arlene: The Cowboys
Sandra: I liked all of it
Niynie: I would watch it again
Special Request:
Arlene – “Can you get me a real horse to ride next time?” My response, “Only if you clean up the poop!”
Funny Comment:
Niynie – “Oooohhhh Yeah” as the movie started
Sandra – “Same time tomorrow for another Cowboy Movie?”

November 17, 2020

Please visit https://www.lutherhome.com/contact-greeting if you would like to send a message or greeting to your loved ones at Luther Home. We'll make sure that your greeting/message is printed and delivered to the intended resident.