Spiritual care is available to residents and families of different religious traditions, faith persuasions, spiritual beliefs, or to those with no belief. Compassionate support is provided by a trained chaplain.
Worship Services are held every Sunday morning. Communion is served on alternate Sundays. Catholic Mass is held monthly. The weekly Bible Learning and Soul Care groups are open to all interested residents. Pastoral visitors are available on request.
Luther Home holds Memorial Services to remember and honour residents no longer with us.
Sunday Service start at 10:30am.
Please click below to view the "Values of Spiritual Care" video by Pastor David
Support Services
Dietary staff strive to provide high quality food that is pleasing to look at and pleasing to eat. There is a Dietitian on staff to ensure the meals provided follow the requirements of Canada`s Food Guide.
For a detailed menu click on the button below
Due to strict control standards, the dietary department can not serve food provided by families. However, families are encouraged to bring in favorite food items and eat them with the residents. Microwaves are available to warm food. Families should ensure that the food being brought in is in compliance with any restrictions the resident might have. If families have any questions, they should contact the nurse in charge.
Luther Home provides several options for families and guests who wish to have lunch or dinner with a resident of Luther Home.
The housekeeping staff maintains high standards of cleanliness throughout Luther Home. A comprehensive Quality Assurance Program is in place.
Laundry – Personal Clothing
Personal Clothing is laundered free of charge. To ensure clothes are returned to appropriate resident all personal clothing must be labeled at the time of admission. There will be a $20.00 fee for the initial labeling of resident clothing and a quarterly fee of $5.00 thereafter.
Luther Home currently employs two full time maintenance personnel.
Professional Services
Nursing Care
Residents are provided with professional nursing care 24 hours around the clock. The care is overseen by the Director of Care/Assistant Director of Care. Each shift is monitored by a charge nurse who is responsible to direct the care of each resident. All Health Care Aides are certified and are expected to provide care in a kind and compassionate manner.
The Minimum Data Set (MDS) is a clinical assessment tool that is in use in many personal care homes across Canada. Throughout your stay, we will be asking the resident and/or the family several questions to help us to assess the resident’s care needs. In turn, the answers help us create a care plan that is specific to the resident, providing the right care, at the right time. We will be entering the information obtained during our interviews into a computer database. By using a laptop computer to enter the information directly into the computer database, the staff can then spend more time in direct care activities. The information on the wireless network is protected from unauthorized users. Our staff that is involved in providing care will be using the information to help plan the best care possible. The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority will also be using information from the MDS system to look at the quality of care that is given throughout Winnipeg. Only authorized persons will have access to the information on this database.
Infection Control
The spread of disease among a group of residents is always of concern. Staff takes great care to ensure that appropriate techniques are utilized to minimize the risk of infection. Visitors are requested to refrain from visiting when suffering with the flu or other easily transmissible diseases.
Wound Management
The latest techniques are employed to ensure that the resident’s skin integrity is maintained. When breakdown occurs the expertise of a WRHA Nurse Clinician in collaboration with the Wound Care
Management Team seeks to find the best solutions to ensure speedy healing.
Rehabilitation Services
Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy services are provided by Community Therapy Services. An Occupational Therapist visits weekly to conduct assessments, and a Physiotherapist visits when needed for assessments to provide programs for individual residents as required.
A Certified Rehabilitation Assistant is available 4 days per week. The Rehab Assistant provides help with exercises, strengthening programs, walking, transfers and other therapies.
Massage Therapy
Residents have access to a certified massage therapist who attends to Luther Home on a regular basis. The service is provided in the privacy of the resident’s room on a fee for service basis. Appointments for 15 minute, 30 minute or one hour sessions are available. If the resident has Blue Cross, insured coverage may be available.
Foot Care
A foot care nurse comes to Luther Home once a month. Foot care services are provided to residents who request them on a fee for service basis.
A professionally licensed dietitian visits Luther Home weekly to conduct nutritional assessments and to make suggestions regarding diet, texture and consistency in order to maintain or improve the nutritional status of the residents.
Speech Language Pathologist
A Speech Language Pathologist is available as required. The Speech Language Pathologist primarily assists with assessing swallowing disorders and provides recommendations to reduce the risk of choking.
Medical Care
Residents’ may keep their own family physicians for medical needs. However, the attending physician must be willing to meet the requirements of an attending physician at Luther Home. If this is not possible, there are attending physicians who visit the Home on a regular basis and new
admissions may be referred to them.
Music Therapy
Luther Home has a music therapy program for interested residents. Music therapy can help build confidence, self-esteem, and increased social skills through positive musical experiences. Participating residents will be charged a nominal fee to cover the cost of the service.
Dental Services
A dental service is available at Luther Home for residents who cannot travel to a dentist’s office due to health status or no family to accompany them on visits. This service is provided by the University of Manitoba Dental College. All charges are the responsibility of the resident. Private health insurance plans may cover these costs.
Residents, who have full or partial dental plates that are removable, must have each separate piece engraved with the resident’s first and last name. This will help to quickly identify the owner should the dental plate be removed or misplaced. This procedure can be serviced at Luther Home for a minimal cost.
Prescription Eye Glass Policy
Residents who require vision correction through the use of eyeglasses should supply the facility with a copy of the latest eyeglass prescription to place on file. In the event that the glasses are lost or damaged, this prescription would be used to simplify the replacement. Residents’ glasses should be engraved with the resident’s full name in case of loss.
Hearing Aids
Residents requiring hearing tests may be accommodated at Luther Home. This is dependent on the availability of the services of a Hearing Aid company.
Residents’ that require the use of hearing aides are responsible for any costs incurred. As well, it is the responsibility of the resident or family to maintain the equipment at their cost. All hearing aids should be appropriately labeled.
Safety & Security
Luther Home is committed to quality care of our residents. In order to achieve a safe and secure environment, the following initiatives are noteworthy:
All residents’ rooms are equipped with a Nurse Call System.
The Home has an organized Fire Plan, and has a time-controlled automatic locking system for all exterior doors.
Luther Home has a Real Time Locating System (RTLS) which has a feature for those residents who are at risk of losing their way if they go outdoors alone. In such circumstances a wrist watch worn by the resident will alert the nursing stations and pagers worn by the nursing staff if a resident is near an exit.
Every resident is required to wear a bracelet that clearly identifies them, as well as indicating if a resident has certain health risks (diabetic, allergies, etc.). The initial cost of the bracelet is minimal and is the responsibility of the resident or family.
Luther Home is a minimal restraint facility.
Resident photos are placed at the door of each resident’s room.
Enhanced Services
3 tiers of Shaw cable is offered at $25/month. This can be arranged at the front office. Wall mounted TV’s are encouraged for safety of the resident and to maximize space.
Telephone hook ups are available in each room and can be arranged through Shaw cable or MTS at the resident’s own expense.
A hair stylist is available most days. Available services include cuts, styles, wash and set, permanents and coloring. Prices depend on the service requested.
Personal Item Purchasing
Items can be purchased through the Resident’s Trust Account, for items such as shampoo, toothpaste, etc. from Shoppers Drug Mart.
Advance Care Planning
Advance Care Planning is a way to prepare for the decisions that will need to be made about your future or potential end of life care and medical treatment. When making a plan, remember that you have the right to accept or to refuse any health care treatment. What is right for someone else may or may not be acceptable to you.
A copy of the Advance Care Directive can be obtained at www.wrha.mb.ca
Health care providers want to be sure that the care they are providing is what you want, especially if your health deteriorates and you are unable to speak for yourself. There are several ways to make your wishes known.
Tell your family or person(s) you trust what your concerns are and what care you want, and do not want. Health care providers will ask your family and persons you trust for direction if you cannot speak for yourself.
You can write a Health Care Directive. This is a legal document in which you write your wishes (instructions) or name a person (proxy) to carry out your wishes if you are unable to speak for yourself. A copy of the legal documented can be downloaded from the Manitoba Health web site. Click here to download Living Will document.
An Advance Care Plan can be written together by you, your family, your doctor and other care providers. This plan is a summary of care and treatments that all of you agree to during several discussions about what is possible and what you prefer.
It is best to make a plan before you are seriously ill.
This document will give you information to think about before you make important decisions about end of life care.
Think about the following questions before you, your doctor and other health care providers meet to plan your care.
What things give meaning and quality to your life?
What most concerns you about being ill or seriously injured?
Would you still have a quality of life if you could not be physically active?
How would you feel if you could no longer do the activities you most enjoy?
You may want to discuss these topics with your family.
What kind of care fits best with your beliefs?
What meaning do illness, suffering and death have for you?
Do you believe medical treatment should be used to keep a person alive as long as possible?
Do you believe there is a time when medical treatments should only be used to keep a person comfortable but not prolong life?
When do you believe life stops?
You may want to discuss these topics with your family and clergy.
What do you want treatment and care to do for you?
Keep you alive no matter what.
Control your disease and symptoms, but only as long as you can have a quality life, even if only for a short time.
Keep you comfortable but not prolong your life.
Would you want different care for different conditions?
Reversible conditions
Problems are not permanent (e.g. pneumonia, blood clots)
Treatment can reduce or eliminate the problems.
Non-reversible conditions
Illness cannot be cured. Problems will continue to get worse and will result in permanent loss of function (e.g. chronic diseases). Terminal illness will cause death even if treated (e.g. advanced cancer).
Treatment cannot bring back function.
Life threatening conditions
Illness that can cause sudden death (e.g. when the heart stops beating or breathing stops).
Treatment may or may not be successful in keeping the person alive.
Are there some treatments that you would want and others that you would not want?
Not all treatments are helpful to everyone all the time. Sometimes the discomfort caused by a test or treatment is greater than any benefit gained from it and may not change how you feel, live or die.
Think about how you feel about each of the following:
Diagnostic tests (blood tests, x-rays, tests that require dyes and tubes to be put in) – Is there a time when you do not want tests to be done?
Intravenous (I.V.) – a thin tube is put into a blood vessel through which fluids and/or medications are given.
Tube feeding – liquid food is given through a tube in the nose or abdomen if the person is unable to chew and/or swallow temporarily and/or permanently.
Dialysis – a person’s blood is cleansed by a machine when the kidneys are no longer able to do this.
Transfusions of blood or blood products.
Medications – What if they are controlling uncomfortable symptoms? What if they are the only thing keeping you alive?
Pain management with medications and other methods such as heat and cold, massage.
End of Life Care (Palliative Care) which includes:
comfort care
control of symptoms which cause discomfort
(e.g. nausea, constipation, difficulty breathing)
tests which help plan or guide comfort care
spiritual and emotional care
CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is an emergency treatment done to keep blood and oxygen flowing to the brain when the heart and breathing stop. This includes:
Putting a tube (endotracheal tube) into the windpipe
Attaching the tube to a machine which pumps oxygen into the lungs
Passing an electric current through the heart to stimulate it to beat regularly
Pressing the chest rhythmically to pump the heart.
Do you want resuscitation (CPR) to be tried in all circumstances or only when your condition can be corrected and when there is a good chance that CPR will be successful?
If you do not want resuscitation to be tried when your heart or breathing stop, the doctor will write a do not resuscitate (DNR) order on your chart. This does not mean that all care will be stopped. It means that CPR will not be tried. You will still receive other treatment and care to keep you comfortable.
A do not resuscitate order (DNR order) is not final. You can ask to discuss this plan with your doctor at any time. Your doctor will talk to you and others you may want to include in such a discussion about the treatments that are appropriate for you.
How will your care be planned?
Your care will be planned with you.
When end of life care needs to be considered, your doctor and other health care providers will talk with you and if you wish, with your family, about your condition and the care that would and would not help you, and what you can expect from treatment and care. They will want to know what is important to you. Tell them your concerns, expectations and preferences.
Be sure to ask questions about anything that will help you make your decisions.
Take time to think about your choices. You may need to have several discussions before coming to a decision.
The goals of care, proposed treatments and directions for care will be written on a form called an ADVANCE CARE PLAN. This will be put on your health care record.
This care plan will be shared with care providers wherever you receive care – in hospital, in a personal care home or in the community.
Your care plan should be reviewed regularly (at least once a year and/or when your condition changes) to be sure it is still what you want now, and in the future. Changes can be made whenever you wish or when your health care providers suggest that a change should be considered.
What if you no longer can make care decisions for yourself?
The best way to let health professionals know what care you want and do not want is to:
Identify a person who will respect your wishes, and name them as your proxy.
Tell them now what your wishes are.
Make an Advance Care Plan with your health care professionals.
Write a Health Care Directive.
An Advance Care Plan is not the same as a Health Care Directive and does not replace a Health Care Directive.
A HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVE is a legal written document in which you tell health care providers what care you want at some point in the future and/or who should make decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so.
It is only used when you no longer are able to make decisions for yourself. If you name a proxy, that person legally can make decisions for you when you are unable to do so.
For further information about Health Care Directives, visit www.gov.mb.ca/health/livingwill
It is hard to list all possible situations that could happen in the future and what you would want in each case. That is why developing an Advance Care Plan together with your health care team is useful.
An ADVANCE CARE PLAN is the written summary
of the discussions between you and your health care providers about what will be done in specific situations. This plan is changed as your health or opinions change. If you have a Health Care Directive, the plan will include what you have written in your directive. For this reason, if you have a Health Care Directive, give it to your doctor and health care providers. It will be put in your health care record.
We hope the information will help you make important decisions that will keep you in control of your care.
Recreation Services are responsible for the development and delivery of therapeutic recreation programs designed to meet the identified needs of each resident. These programs are designed to provide opportunities to attain personal fulfillment, learn new skills and provide freedom and choice of independence through voluntary participation in facility interests.
The goals of the Recreation services are to provide opportunities for religious and spiritual growth, to maintain or improve physical and mental capabilities and provide opportunities for social interaction and interpersonal relationships within the facility and in the community. A variety of large, small, individual, active and passive programs are developed to meet the identified needs of each resident keeping in mind, their age, religion, culture, strengths and abilities.